Sunday, February 5, 2012

1 month down… 2 ½ to go!

This week was full of firsts… I got to watch the Senate argue in person from the gallery, I spotted tons of famous Senators, I found my way through the Senate buildings to all of the Republican offices, and I hung out with a new group of friends!
View from inside the Visitors Center (underground)
 The Boss was supposed to deliver a speech on the floor around 5 on Thursday. My fellow interns and I headed over to the Capitol and up into the staffer gallery. Although we didn’t get to see the boss give his speech, we did get to see all of the Senators there for a roll call vote. It was super interesting… all of these people are the decision makers in our country. They were all a lot older than I assumed they would be, but they hold the power!! It was fun for us to pick out the famous people that we knew… John McCain, John Kerry, Rand Paul… Famous people all around us!

View from the Capitol at night

 On Friday I had to deliver letters to all the Republican Senators offices in the Russell Building, the oldest Senate building. It is a beautiful building, marble floors and pillars, and fancy elevators with chandeliers. It’s much fancier than the other Senate buildings, and I geeked out imagining who had walked in the same halls.
Friday night I met up with girls from work and we went out to dinner at the Shake Shack. Man, the one positive thing I can say about Washington D.C. is they sure know how to make a hamburger! The entire meal was delicious…the cheese fries and the Washington MonuMint Shake… and the burger… I could gain a million pounds out here, the food is delicious! 

Today my roomies and I are just taking it easy, we’re going to watch the Superbowl downstairs with the other people that live in our building. It should be interesting… 

My honorary roommate Trevor... he's always entertaining us with something.

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