Sunday, February 12, 2012

Elevators are awkward!

The days of the week are starting to blur together. Wake up at 7, out the door by 8, walk into work at 9, stay until 6, get home at 7… repeat repeat repeat. I have a hard time remembering what day it is… unless it’s Friday. On Fridays I remember all day what day of the week it is.

Emily and I were discussing how awkward elevators are when we got out of one in the Senate building. Tons of people who have no connection with each other shoved into a small box that is moving between floors. Everyone faces a different direction and no one talks to each other. No elevator flirting here!

On Tuesday, my boss Hayden asked me to a meeting and a hearing for her. It was really cool… a day in the life of someone who really works in my office. There were doughnuts at the meeting and there was a full lunch provided at the hearing. Hayden must have liked my notes, because she asked me to go to another hearing for her on Wednesday morning. The hearings are usually lobbyists or special interest groups that are asking our bosses to support their cause. The most interesting thing I’ve learned is how the government really works behind the scenes. 

Sweet Pegasus on the side of the Rayburn House Building

Utah State holds a weekly seminar that we have to go to. Attendance is required if you are a student or if you live in Utah State’s housing. That means all of my roommates but 1 have to come (E is an exception, we don’t know why she doesn’t have to come?) Needless to say, I wasn’t thrilled with the idea of staying after listening to someone after a 9 hour work day. However, it turned out really cool. This Wednesday’s seminar was hosted by Rob Bishop, the congressional representative from Northern Utah. There are about 15 of us in the group, and we all sat down in Mr. Bishop’s personal office. He had a nice chat with us about upcoming legislation he is pushing and we were able to ask questions. It was cool to sit in a room and just chat with my representative.

Yesterday Emily and I woke up early and went to the Eastern Market for breakfast. It was delicious! There is a breakfast bar inside the small building that is famous around the hill. I had a plate of French Toast and Emily had blueberry pancakes (mine was better J). $6 for the most filling breakfast I have ever had, plus it was delicious. We wandered around the Eastern Market in the cold for as long as we could stand it. We got fresh apples from an apple stand and tried smoked salmon from Baltimore. When it was too cold to stand anymore, we headed for the Pentagon City Mall. 4 stories high stacked with everyone’s favorite shops. I was lucky and found a steal of a deal at Hollister, and spent the last of my Christmas money on a cardigan.

Em's blueberry pancakes and my french toast... AMAZING!

Other than that, it’s been a fairly quiet week. I need to get back out there and see the sights on the weekends and stop being so lazy all the time!! I am excited for the next weekend, make sure you check the blog for my next adventure!

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