Wednesday, January 18, 2012

I'm not in Logan anymore!

I've been keeping a list of observations about the differences between Logan and Washington D.C.

I go here every day :)

1. People aren't friendly. AT ALL. No one is smiling at each other while passing on the sidewalk, no one says excuse me or sorry if they bump into you, no one has a personal bubble or respects other peoples bubbles, and no one offers a helpful hand to those who look like they're lost. (Me all the time haha) I miss Logan's cheerful smiles and friendliness of strangers! Ha a running joke between me and my roomates is the zombie apocalypse could start here, and no one would know until they got bitten. Haha no difference between the zombies and the humans walking around here.

2. There is hardly any color ANYWHERE! Everyone wears black and grey. I understand the need to be professional... but really people?! One of my goals is to bring color back to the Capitol!

3. There are 2 lanes on an escalator. The right side is for people who stand and ride the escalator, like normal people. The left side is for people who are in the biggest hurry of their lives wherever they go (see difference #1 if you forgot what these people are like). I have literally been yelled at from 8 inches away from my ear for standing in the fast lane. SHE WAS JUST TRYING TO GET HOME... ha funny thing was, so was I.

These are my observations thus far, they all seem negative, but that's just because I am slow to adjust to changes. Ha it is just a different kind of living out here.

The other cool thing that I have to tell..... tomorrow I am going to South Carolina to work on Mitt Romney's Presidential Campaign. I am so excited! We are going to be doing the grunt work of handing out fliers and getting people into the polls to vote. I am excited to be involved! I am planning on taking lots of pictures and will post about it on Sunday. GO ROMNEY!


  1. Ash - it is totally normal to at first be enchanted with your new environment and then experience a dramatic switch in attitude when you notice all the things that are annoyingly different. It's called something like the Traveler's Paradox. Good news is, that once you've been somewhere new for longer than about a month of two, your likes and dislikes start to merge and you can enjoy a place for what it really is. Every city I've lived in I have experienced something similar - observe my rant about Paris here:

    Hope this helps you feel normal! Way to go with the Mitt Campaign!

  2. Thanks Em :) that is good to hear that I'm not alone in feeling that way. Its actually gotten a lot better, I'm adjusting. I'm really jealous of Paris, maybe I will go and live there next! Thanks for looking out for me, you're a sweetheart! PS- Your baby is really cute!!
