Saturday, January 14, 2012

I live in Minas Tirith!

As all of you know, I am a Lord of the Rings junkie. I love anything and everything to do with it, and I have the movies basically memorized. As I have been walking around D.C. this week, I have realized that my world looks very similar to the mighty city of Minas Tirith. Everything is made of marble, and right now all the trees are in hibernation. Tree in hibernation against a marble building = instant LOTR scenes flowing through my head. I know, I'm the biggest nerd you know.

You can see the similarites, yes?

Anyways... I survived my first week! It was really long and full of lengthy trainings on how to be the best intern I can be. Luckily, I survived and am now enjoying a 3 day weekend. Tomorrow is my roomate Sadie's birthday, and so today we went to the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History. WOW! Super cool place, so many little children running around with their parents being so excited about everything made me even more excited to be there. One of my favorite things were the elephant in the front entryway!

The elephant in the rotunda!
It has been a fulfilling week- we killed our first bug in the apartment, with much screaming and hopping around. We discovered that our windows all rattle in the wind and spent a sleepless night staring at the ceiling (the rattle has since been remedied by stuffing toilet paper into the cracks, thank you dad!!) The metro has been crazy all day today, due to maintenance and apparently a fire between one of the stations. It took me and my roomie about an hour and half to get home from only 4 stops away (which should have taken around 20 mins tops). It has been a week of new things!

My roomies- Kelly, Lauren, and Sadie
I'm really lucky to have roomies I love, it is fun to come home and just laugh about how crazy our days have been. When I am overwhelmed, its good to come home and hang with people who are going through the exact same thing I am going through. I am lucky!

Washington Monument at dusk
Regardless of the growing pains, I am living in one of the most historic cities in the world. I pass this monument to and from work each day, and it always brings a smile.

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